Friday, May 8, 2020

Ugly blog /and/ hex flower for duels

What is this ugly blog?

This is my attempt to join the OSR blog-o-sphere, particularly the GLOG community. I've been lurking for awhile and I want to actually create some content.
Idea --> Notes --> Prep* --> Game-able Content
* Most of my ideas probably don't even get this far. But even those that do are only useful to me. This is my attempt to push more stuff through this funnel and out the other end.

It will probably always be ugly, though.

Tax: Here is a hex grid flower for spicing up a duel. I used it last week and my players (a bunch of HEMA nerds) loved it.

Start in the center and roll 1d6. 1: N, 2: E, 3-4: S, 5-6: W. Repeat until someone wins. Wrap around the sides in a way that makes sense to you. I flavored the results according to the fighting styles of the participants in my game but those could be changed out easily enough.

Duelist A is the favorite to win; duelist B is the underdog. In my game, the players sabotaged one of the participants to flip the weighting.

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